Feeback, M. R., Kakos, L. S., Burns, K., Haught, N., Peacock, C., Pollock, B., Rebold, M., Seo, Y., Gunstad, J., & Glickman, E. L. (2013). The role of glucose and non-glucose containing beverages on rehydration. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 45(5), Supplement abstract number 312.
This investigation examined the effects of glucose and non-glucose, electrolyte-based drinks on rehydration and physiological markers after exercising in 37°C for 90 minutes in males (N = 10). Ss were asked to exercise on a cycle ergometer in a 37°C, 50% humidity environment inducing dehydration of ~2% of the S’s body weight. The physiological markers of rectal and skin temperature, blood glucose, and oxygen uptake were measured directly after the completion of the exercise bout (“dehydrated” time-point). At the completion of the protracted exercise, Ss were administered either a glucose or non-glucose containing electrolyte-based sports drink ad libitum for 30 minutes. Post-rehydration process, the same physiological markers were measured at the rehydration time-point; rectal and core temperature, blood glucose, and oxygen uptake.
There were no significant differences on any recorded physiological marker between the two conditions at the “dehydrated” time-point. Ss consumed equal amounts of the glucose and non-glucose containing beverages in the rehydration stage. After consuming the beverage, significant differences in the two trials emerged for blood glucose and oxygen uptake at the “rehydrated” time-point. There were no differences in rectal or skin temperatures.
Implication. The ingestion of a beverage containing glucose during rehydration is not needed to maintain thermoregulation after prolonged exercise in the heat.
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