Dostal, J., Matous, M., & Farafonova, I. (2013). Variability of blood lactate clearance after maximal exercise. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 45(5), Supplement abstract number 2436.
This study assessed the variability in a large group of world class ice-hockey players (N = 49) after maximal exercise leading to the non-steady state of blood lactate. Ss underwent spiro-ergometric testing using a ramping protocol on a bicycle ergometer. Blood samples were taken at the 3, 5, 10, and 20 minutes after exercise using the Lactate-Scout device from the index finger. The resting protocol after the exercise was two minutes of load (25W) followed by 20 minutes of resting on a bed.
Blood lactate levels remained high for 5-10 minutes (~13+ mmol/L) after exercise and then slowly decreased. At 20 minutes, lactate levels were still quite high (~9+ mmol/L). No significant correlation was found between the maximal lactate level and speed of clearance compared to the results of the exercise testing such as VO2max, max W/kg, maximum ventilation, RER, anaerobic threshold level, time in anaerobic metabolism, pulse O2, and others. No indicator that could predict the speed of clearance for individual Ss was found.
Implication. Lactate clearance after intense exercise is particularly individual and not related to commonly assessed physiological variables.
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