Curry, T., Foster, C., Condello, G., Rodriguez-Marroyo, J., Casolino, E., Wright, G. A., Porcari, J. P., & de Konig, J. J. (2013). Predicting time-trial performance from physiological responses during warm-up. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 45(5), Supplement abstract number 586.
This study determined whether there is a relationship between the changes in physiological variables during warm-up and time-trial performance. Well-trained, task-habituated cyclists (N = 10) performed three standardized warm-ups + a 10 km self-paced cycling time-trial on a Velotron cycle ergometer, on successive days (designed to introduce fatigue and thus performance variation). Rating of perceived exertion, heart rate, oxygen uptake (VO2), and lactate were measured throughout the warm-up (5 min @ 100W + 5min @ VT + 3 min @ respiratory compensation threshold + 2 min @ 100W + 2 min @ 25W). During the time-trial, power output was recorded continuously, heart rate was assessed every 1km, and rating of perceived exertion and lactate were measured every 2 km.
Statistically significant differences were found in lactate and rating of perceived exertion during warm-up at respiratory compensation threshold between the fastest and slowest time-trial efforts. However, neither lactate nor rating of perceived exertion showed a significant correlation with time-trial time and thus, has no predictive value.
Implication. Time-trial performance is not readily predictable from physiological responses during warm-up.
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