Burdon, C. A., O'Connor, H., Johnson, N., & Chapman, P. (2010). Influence of beverage temperature on palatability and fluid ingestion volume during exercise: A systematic review. Presentation 2291 at the 2010 Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland; June 2-5.
This review evaluated the effect of beverage temperature on fluid intake during exercise. A secondary aim was to investigate the influence of temperature on beverage palatability. Citations from Medline (Ovid), Sport Discus (Ebsco), ISI Web of Knowledge, and Scopus were searched from the earliest record to March 2009 using the terms "beverage", "fluid" or "water" and "palatability", "preference", "feeding" and "drinking behavior", and "temperature". To be included, studies needed to use adult (18 years or older) Ss, have beverage temperature less than or equal to 46°C [cold (< 10°C), cool (11-23°C), and/or control (24-46°C)], and measure consumption during exercise and/or palatability. A meta-analysis of the mean difference in fluid consumption cold or cool versus control was conducted. Data on hydration status via body mass loss of Ss was extracted when available (N = 4).
Twelve studies met inclusion/exclusion criteria. Studies reporting fluid consumption (N = 7) in temperate to hot environmental conditions revealed that Ss consumed ~633 ml or 179.6% more cold or cool beverages than control during exercise. All studies (N = 8) reporting palatability indicated colder beverages were preferred to warmer (control) beverages. However, consumption of "cold" beverages was less than "cool" beverages, possibly because cold temperatures increased satiation and decreased unpleasant sensations, particularly mouth dryness. Meta-analysis of studies assessing hydration status (N = 4) demonstrated that body mass loss during exercise was reduced by ~1.26% when cold/cool beverages were compared with controls.
Implication. Cooler beverage temperatures significantly increase fluid consumption, palatability, and hydration during exercise.
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