Zijlstra, S., Buist, I., & Bredeweg, S. W. (2010). The effectiveness of a preconditioning program on running related injuries. a randomized clinical trial. Presentation 1047 at the 2010 Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland; June 2-5.
This study determined the effectiveness of a pre-conditioning program on the development of running-related injuries in novice runners. Ss were preparing for a recreational four-mile running event. In the preconditioning group, there were 211 Ss (35% male, 65% female, mean age = ~39 years), while in the control group 221 Ss (34% male, 66% female, mean age = ~37 years) were included. All Ss ran for 460 minutes during the nine-week training program. Prior to the nine-week training program for both groups, the intervention group followed a four-week pre-conditioning program. This program gradually increased biomechanical load on the lower extremity with functional activities such as hopping-in-place and walking. Ss in both groups registered information on running characteristics and running-related injuries using an internet-based running log. A running-related injury was defined as any musculoskeletal complaint of the lower extremity or back causing restricted running for at least one week.
No differences between groups were found on the development of running-related injuries.
Implication. Pre-conditioning prior to training had little effect on the incidence of running related injuries.
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