Rossow, L., Yan, H., Fahs, C. A., Ranadive, S. M., Agliovlasitis, S., Wilund, K. R., Baynard, T., & Fernhall, B. (2010). Post-exercise hypotension in an endurance-trained population of men and women following high-intensity interval and steady-state cycling. Presentation 677 at the 2010 Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland; June 2-5.
This study examined post-exercise hypotension and potential mechanisms of this response in endurance-trained subjects following acute steady-state and high-intensity interval exercise. Sex differences were also evaluated. Endurance-trained Ss (M = 15; F = 10) performed a bout of high-intensity interval cycling (4 x 30-secoond all-out sprints separated by 4.5 minutes rest) and a bout of steady-state cycling (60 minutes at 60% HRmax) in randomized order on separate days. Prior to exercise, 30 minutes post-exercise, and 60 minutes post-exercise, brachial and aortic blood pressure and heart rate were measured. Cardiac output, stroke volume, end diastolic volume, and end systolic volume were measured. Total peripheral resistance and calf vascular resistance were calculated from the above variables and measures of leg blood flow.
Blood pressure decreased by a similar magnitude following both bouts but changes in cardiac output, heart rate, total peripheral resistance, and calf vascular resistance were greater in magnitude following high-intensity interval exercise than following steady-state exercise. Men and women responded similarly to high-intensity interval exercise. While men and women exhibited similar post-exercise hypotension following steady-state exercise, differential changes in stroke volume, end diastolic volume, and total peripheral resistance were observed.
Implication. High-intensity interval exercise acutely reduces blood pressure to a similar degree as steady-state exercise. The response mechanism to high-intensity interval exercise appears to differ from that of steady-state exercise. Endurance-trained men and women may exhibit differential mechanisms for post-exercise hypotension following steady-state exercise but not high-intensity interval exercise.
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