Enoksen, E., Tonnessen, E., & Shalfawi, S. (2009). The effect of high vs. low intensity training on aerobic capacity in well-trained middle-distance runners. A paper presented at the 14th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science, Oslo, Norway, June 24-27.
This study examined the effect of two different intervention training regimes on VO2max, VO2max velocity, running economy, lactate threshold velocity, and running performance in well-trained male middle-distance runners (N = 26). Ss were tested on a treadmill. Ss were matched according to pre-test results and randomly assigned into one of two groups, a high-volume (60 km) low-intensity training group, and a high-intensity low-volume (40 km) training group. The training volume and distribution of intensity in the intervention period of 10 weeks was 33 % of the total workout at 82-92% of HRmax and 67% performed at 65-82% of HRmax for the high-intensity low-volume-group, and 13% of the total workout at 82-92% of HRmax and 87% at 65-82% HRmax in the high-volume low-intensity group.
No marked differences were found between groups in all measures. Furthermore, the high-intensity low-volume group had a marked increased in VO2max velocity and lactate threshold velocity after the training period when compared to pre-test. Both groups had a notable improvement in running economy. The performance test showed that the high-intensity low-volume group improved by 456 m (1.38 minutes) and the high-volume low-intensity group improved by 273 m (54 sec). Lactic acid production was notably higher in the high-intensity low-volume group (0.9 mmol) when compared to pre-test.
Implication. Trained male middle-distance runners improve in VO2max velocity and lactate threshold velocity better when training intensity is considered "high" (close to anaerobic threshold velocity) than when training with low intensity for a short period of 10 weeks.
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