Turley, K. R., Townsend, J. R., Rivas, J. D., Morton, A. B., Kosarek, J. W., & Cullum, M. G. (June 03, 2010). Effect of caffeine on anaerobic performance in young boys. Presentation 1914 at the 2010 Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland; June 2-5.
This study investigated the effects of caffeine on anaerobic performance in young boys (N = 24; 8-10 years). Ss received in random order twice each, either a placebo (drink only) or anhydrous caffeine (5 mg/kg BM) mixed in cherry flavored SpriteŽ. Following a 60-minute absorption period, Ss performed a maximal static handgrip test followed five minutes later by a 30-second all-out Wingate anaerobic test.
Absolute peak power and relative peak power in the Wingate test did not differ between conditions. Mean power, total work completed, and peak heart rate were significantly higher in the caffeine condition when compared to the placebo condition. Relative mean work, relative total work, and maximal grip strength did not differ between the conditions.
Implication. In young boys, 5 mg/kgBM of caffeine improves the mean and total work completed during a 30-second Wingate test but does not effect peak power output. While on caffeine, a significant increase in peak heart rate following the Wingate test is possibly related to the greater amount of work performed during the 30-second test.
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