Stoutenberg, M., Kressler, J., Roos, B., Friedlander, A. L., Viskochill, R., Signorile, J. F., & Jacobs, K. A.(June 03, 2010). Sildenafil does not improve performance at simulated high or moderate altitudes in men or women. Presentation 1992 at the 2010 Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland; June 2-5.
This study determined whether sildenafil enhances endurance exercise performance in endurance-trained men (N = 11) and women (N = 10) at simulated high (3,900 m, 12.8% FIO2) and moderate (2,100 m, 16.2 % FIO2) altitudes. Following determination of peak exercise capacity at sea-level and a practice trial at simulated high altitude, Ss completed four exercise trials (30 minutes at 55% of peak exercise capacity + a 15-km time-trial) at simulated high and moderate altitudes following the ingestion of a placebo or 50 mg of sildenafil. Cardiovascular hemodynamics (heart rate, stroke volume, cardiac output) were measured continuously by noninvasive impedance cardiography while arterial oxygen saturation (SaO2) was measured by pulse oximetry.
Sildenafil had little influence on cardiovascular hemodynamics for either gender or altitude, but did result in higher arterial oxygen saturation values compared to placebo during both the steady state exercise and time-trial performances in men only at high altitude. Time-trial performance was not significantly affected at either high or moderate altitude in men. Women also showed no significant effect of sildenafil at high altitude and were slightly slower with sildenafil at moderate altitude.
Implication. Sildenafil does not enhance endurance exercise performance in endurance-trained men or women at either high or moderate altitudes.
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