Glaister, M., Patterson, S. D., Foley, P., Pedlar, C., Pattison, J. R., & Mehmes, G. (2011). Caffeine and sprinting performance: Dose responses and efficacy. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 43(5). Supplement abstract 2367.
This study evaluated the effects of caffeine supplementation on short-duration sprint-cycling performance and determined if there was a dose-response effect. Well-trained males (N = 17) completed seven maximal 10-second sprint trials on an electromagnetically-braked cycle ergometer, with a minimum of 48 hours between trials. Apart from a familiarization trial (Trial 1), all trials required Ss to ingest a gelatine capsule containing either caffeine or placebo (maltodextrin) one hour prior to performing each sprint. To examine dose-response effects, the following doses of caffeine were used: 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 mg/kg. Ss abstained from caffeine use prior to each trial.
There was a significant supplement x time interaction with larger caffeine doses producing higher post-supplementation plasma caffeine levels. When compared to placebo, there was no supplementation effect on peak power, mean power, or time to peak power.
Implication. In contrast to what occurs with endurance performance, caffeine supplementation had no effect on short-duration sprint cycling performance, irrespective of the dosage used.
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