Saga, N., Naito, H., & Katamoto, S. (June 03, 2010). Effects of 4-week supramaximal exercise training under normobaric hypoxia on anaerobic energy release. Presentation 1988 at the 2010 Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland; June 2-5.
This study examined the effect of supramaximal pedaling training under normobaric hypoxia on anaerobic energy release in cyclists (N = 13). Ss were randomly assigned to normoxic (20.9% O2) or hypoxic (13.5% O2) training groups. Both groups engaged in supramaximal pedaling training for four weeks (50 seconds × 7.5% body weight × 2 (with a 10-minute rest) per day, two days per week). All Ss performed three exercise tests before the four weeks of training: 1) a maximal incremental cycling exercise test to determine their maximum oxygen uptake (VO2peak); 2) 12 submaximal cycling tests to establish the VO2 - workload × cadence relationship for determining the oxygen demand of supramaximal cycling; and 3) a 40-second Wingate Anaerobic Test to determine the anaerobic energy release. The anaerobic energy release was evaluated as the accumulated oxygen deficit over 40 seconds. After the four-week training period, the Wingate Test was repeated.
After four weeks of training, the mechanical power output during the Wingate Test was increased between 20 and 40 seconds in the hypoxic group, whereas the O2 demand, O2 deficit, and percentages of anaerobic energy release during the Wingate Test were not changed.
Implication. The results suggest that 50-second supramaximal cycling exercise training in 13.5% O2 might enhance the mechanical power output, but not the anaerobic energy release in collegiate cyclists.
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