Gilson, S. F., Saunders, M J., Moran, C. W., Corriere, D. F., Moore, R. W., Womack, C. J., & Todd, M. K. (2009).Effects of chocolate milk consumption on markers of muscle recovery during intensified soccer training. ACSM 56th Annual Meeting, Seattle, Washington. Presentation number 2934.
This study determined the effectiveness of chocolate milk as a post-exercise recovery beverage during intensified training in Collegiate soccer players (N = 13). Ss completed two intervention periods, each consisting of one week of "normal" training followed by four days of intensified-training. Immediately following each day of intensified-training, Ss received either a high-carbohydrate or chocolate milk recovery beverage. Treatment beverages were isocaloric, and delivered in a randomly-counterbalanced double-blind protocol. Serum creatine kinase and myoglobin levels, muscle soreness, mental and physical fatigue, peak isometric force of the quadriceps, and leg-extension repetitions at 70% 1-RM were obtained prior to and following two and four days of intensified-training. Soccer-specific performance tests (t-drill, vertical jump and 1.5 mile run speed) were performed within the training sessions.
Average daily training times and heart rates increased significantly between baseline and intensified-training periods, with no differences between treatment periods. Soreness, creatine kinase, myoglobin, peak isometric force and leg-extension repetitions were all significantly altered over time during the intensified-training period. No significant treatment x time interaction was observed. However, serum creatine kinase levels during the chocolate milk treatment were significantly lower than carbohydrate following two and four days of intensified-training. No significant differences in soccer-specific performance tests were observed between treatment beverages.
Implication. Post-exercise chocolate milk consumption provided equal or possibly superior muscle recovery responses to an isocaloric, high-carbohydrate recovery beverage following a four-day period of intensified soccer training. Performances in soccer-specific field tests were similar between beverage treatments.
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