Minniti, A., Tyler, C., & Sunderland, C. (2009). Effect of a cooling collar on affect, perceived exertion and running performance in the heat. ACSM 56th Annual Meeting, Seattle, Washington, Presentation Number 997.
This study assessed the effect of a cooling collar on affect (pleasure-displeasure and boredom-excitement), perceived exertion, and thermal sensations during a 90-minute pre-loaded time-trial. Healthy, trained males (N = 8) completed three 90-minute preloaded time-trials in the heat (~30.5°C) on a treadmill wearing either a cold collar, an uncooled collar, or no collar. The preloaded time-trial consisted of 75 minutes at ~60% VO2max followed by a 15-minute time-trial. Measures of affect, ratings of perceived exertion, and thermal sensation were measured throughout.
Performance during the time-trial was improved by wearing the cold collar compared to the other conditions. Throughout the running period, the no-collar trial had the highest pleasure rating. Ratings of pleasure changed with time, decreasing rapidly during the time-trial. Similarly, perceived activation was highest in the no-collar trial. Ratings of perceived exertion were different between trials being lowest in the cold-collar trial. Thermal sensations were lowest in the cold-collar trial and highest in the uncooled-collar trial.
Implication. A cold collar produced the best performance, the least perception of the amount of exertion, and reports of feeling the coolest. A no-collar condition produced the most pleasurable experience.
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