Brooks-Friery, K., & Nipper, M. (2009). Cool Shirt use as an ergogenic aid in distance runners training in North Louisiana. ACSM 56th Annual Meeting, Seattle, Washington, Presentation Number 2674.
This study investigated the effects of a Cool Shirt worn by male and female distance runners (N = 14) training in a hot humid environment. Ss' VO2max were measured using open circuit spirometry on a treadmill ergometer. On two separate occasions Ss completed a treadmill run in a hot humid environment at the speed and grade at which 85% of the S’s predetermined VO2max was maintained. Each S completed a control run and a run utilizing a Cool Shirt. Heart rate, Borg’s Rating of Perceived Exertion, temperature of the auditory canal, and sweating rate were measured.
No significant difference in rating of perceived exertion, heart rate, and run-to-exhaustion time was found between Cool Shirt and control runs.
Implication. Cool Shirts do not provide a performance benefit. The materials used to create the Cool Shirt may be the largest factor that prevents the effective cooling of the user. The cotton material may absorb sweat and contribute to more energy expenditure needed to support the weight of the shirt.
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