Guan, H., Koceja, D. M., & Surburg, P. R. (2006). Choice reaction time difference between gender and hand using the fractionated reaction time technique. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 38(5), Supplement abstract 2150.
This study examined whether choice reaction time and its fractionated components differ between genders and dominant and non-dominant hands. Right-hand dominant college students (M = 10; F = 10) were tested for their visual-manual choice reaction time for four consecutive days using both left and right hands. Based on the EMG activity of the pronator teres and biceps brachii, fractionated reaction times of pronation and supination were measured for each hand. The learning effect was identified and a reliable measure was obtained.
Choice RT decreased significantly across days however, no significant change was found between days 3 and 4. No Gender by Hand interaction or hand difference was observed for choice reaction time. A significant gender difference was observed for total choice reaction time.
Implication. There is no choice reaction time difference between dominant and non-dominant hands for the college students. Males demonstrated a faster choice reaction time than females.
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