Darling, T. V., & Edwards, S. W. (2009). Podcasting mental images: Technological application of sport imagery. ACSM 56th Annual Meeting, Seattle, Washington, Presentation Number 2748.
"It is widely accepted that mental training can contribute to increases in sport performance, particularly when it is combined with physical training. Mental training has been shown to be as effective as physical training and that the combination of mental training and physical training can be superior to physical training alone. What is not clear is whether technological applications (specifically podcasting) can enhance the sport imagery experience, thereby enhancing sport performance."
This study determined if guided imagery via podcasting could significantly increase free throw (FT) shooting performance among high school basketball players (M = 12; F = 24). Ss were assigned into three treatment groups (script, computer, iPod) and a control group and were tested in three phases (pre-test, treatment, post-test). Treatment consisted of imagery training three times per week, five minutes each (one supervised and two unsupervised) and weekly free throw testing sessions (25 total, using a predetermined shooting format) for six weeks.
The iPod group (18.1) performed higher than the computer group (16.7) and the script group (16.2). The significant group difference was between the iPod group and the control group. A comparison of posttest group means indicated that the iPod group (21.0) was the top performer, followed by the computer group (18.6), the script group (17.1), and the control group (15.8). Overall, the script group had the highest improvement (+ 3.8) while the control group had the lowest improvement (+ 0.7).
Implication. Podcasting is another form of delivering sport imagery information but it is no more effective than by computer or scripting, but is better than nothing (the control group here).
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