Li, Z. J., Zhaang, Y., Gou, B., Yan, J. H., Ma, G. Q., & Liu, M. (2006). Effect of interval high-intensity uphill training in cyclists. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 38(5), Supplement Abstract 2609.
This study examined the effect of a single bout and a one-week interval high-intensity uphill sprint training program on well-trained male cyclists (N = 8). Prior to and after a single bout of uphill sprint cycling and after a week of high-intensity training, blood samples were collected and analyses performed.
There were no changes in urea nitrogen levels after a single bout of uphill sprint cycling despite significant increases in blood lactate and creatine kinase concentrations. Six of eight cyclists were found to develop haematuria after the one week of training. Blood cell counts, hemoglobin, haematocrit, mean corpuscular hemoglobin, and mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration were found to decrease after training and did not return to normal concentrations after a weekend of recovery.
Implication. One-week of high-intensity uphill interval sprint cycling led to a decline in blood cell counts and hemoglobin as well as an increase of the prevalence of haematuria in well-trained cyclists. Complete recovery did not occur after a weekend of rest. This suggests that recovery from an extended (one week) series of intense training stimuli is much more than would be expected from a single or a few bouts of similar exercise.
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