Mendes, R. R., & Tirapegui, J. (2007). Acute creatine supplementation does not improve performance of elite and amateur swimmers. ACSM Annual Meeting New Orleans, Presentation Number, 702.
This study tested the hypothesis that a creatine supplementation group of amateur swimmers (N = 18) would demonstrate enhanced performance when compared with elite swimmers (N = 22). Ss performed a maximal sprint test (6 x 25 m), before and after loading with creatine or a placebo (20 gm/day for five days). Capillary blood samples were obtained pre- and post-sprint tests to determine blood lactate. Venous blood samples were taken in the end of the intermittent exercise to determine ammonia concentration. Swimming times were recorded, and urinary creatine were measured.
Urinary creatine measures were higher after the creatine supplementation when compared to the placebo supplementation. The concentration of plasma ammonia decreased after creatine supplementation but did not change after the placebo was ingested. After creatine supplementation, blood lactate was lower in the amateur swimmers in sprints 2, 4, and 6, but not in the placebo groups or creatine supplemented elite swimmers. Mean swimming times in the creatine and placebo groups did not change.
Implication. No performance advantage was gained from creatine-loading regimen in both amateur and elite swimmers. Despite chemical changes occurring in the blood, performance was not affected [one more instance of where physiological changes do not translate into performance changes].
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