Franklin, R. M., Figueroa, A., Baynard, T., Carhart, R., & Kanaley, J. A. (2006). Effects of single- vs. multiple-bout moderate exercise training on heart rate during submaximal exercise in women. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 38(5), Supplement abstract 1929.
"Previous research has shown exercise training beneficially improves heart rate (HR) at rest and during submaximal levels of exercise. However, it is unclear if HR responds similarly to multiple bout training compared to single bout training". This study investigated the effects of single-bout (1 x 30 minutes) and multiple-bout (3 x 10 minutes) moderate exercise training on heart rate at rest and during 20 minutes of submaximal exercise. Women (N = 39) participated in a 16-week aerobic training program employing two training regimens. One 30-minute (N = 20) or three 10-minute bouts (N = 19) at 65% of VO2peak were followed. Pre- and post-training, Ss completed a 20-minute submaximal exercise at 65% VO2peak where heart rate was measured at minutes 9, 15, and 20. Resting heart rate was also measured in the supine position after 25 minutes of rest.
Resting and submaximal heart rates decreased significantly at each time-point with training. Both single- and multiple-bout exercise groups decreased resting and exercise heart rates at nine minutes significantly and similarly. However, at minutes 15 and 20 of submaximal exercise, there was a significant training effect with the continuous exercise group decreasing more than the intermittent training group.
Implication. Training decreases resting and submaximal heart rate. However, intermittent training does not influence heart rate reductions as much as continuous training when the measurement periods exceeded the duration of the intermittent repetitions. The effect was specific to the duration of the training exercise.
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