Aoki, M. S., Gomes, R. V., & Raso, V. (2004). Creatine supplementation attenuates the adverse effect of endurance exercise on subsequent resistance exercise performance. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 36(5), Supplement abstract 2301.
The aim of the study was ascertain if creatine supplementation exerts an ergogenic effect during concurrent exercise. Female university students (N = 14) were divided into two groups: placebo and creatine supplemented. Ss received 20 gm of creatine for five days and 3 gm of creatine for the following seven days in a double-blind experimental design. Before creatine supplementation, Ss performed a 1-RM leg-press test followed by a repetition maximum test (3 sets of reps-to-fatigue, performed at 80% of 1-RM and separated by 150 seconds). After 12 days of creatine supplementation, Ss underwent an aerobic test, in which they were instructed to cover the maximal distance possible in 20 minutes. Upon completion, Ss were tested again on the 1-RM test followed by the maximum repetition test to determine the effect of the aerobic exercise on subsequent resistance exercise.
There were no differences between groups in aerobic task performance and the 1-RM test. There was a significant decline in repetition maximum capacity during the last two sets in the placebo group but not in the creatine group.
Implication. Creatine supplementation appeared to enhance recovery from aerobic exercise to better facilitate following resistance exercise.
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