Mutton, D. L., Loy, S. F., Rogers, D. M., Holland, G. J., Vincent, W. J., & Heng, M. (1993). Effect of run vs combined cycle/run training on VO2max and running performance. Medicine and Science in Exercise and Sports, 25(12), 1393-1397.

In 12 moderately fit males, after 5 weeks of 4 x 75 min practice sessions, changes in running parameters were evaluated. Although the aerobic capacity changes were significant, the relatively small change may reflect the duration of the study and initial fitness level of the subjects.

The run and the cross-trained (run plus cycle) groups were able to run significantly faster at submaximal treadmill speeds without significant increases in heart rate, % VO2 used, blood lactate, or RQ values over pretraining submaximal training data.

Implication. These results support the use of cross-training as an alternative to increasing performance while adding variety to training programs and perhaps reducing the potential for injuries due to overuse or high intensity activity. This result cannot be generalized to athletes as it was performed on recreational fitness persons.

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