Luebbers, P. E., Stanbrough, M. E., Ermler, K., Butler, M. S., & Harris, D. F. (2004). An examination of the relationship among three indirect tests of anaerobic threshold. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 36(5), Supplement abstract 295.
"Presently, the most accurate method of determining anaerobic threshold is through direct measurement of blood lactate. This method can be both difficult and expensive. There have been several tests developed with the intention of estimating anaerobic threshold indirectly through analysis of an individual's power output as measured in watts. The Wingate cycle test has become the most widely used and accepted form of standardized indirect anaerobic testing. Yet, the cycling action of the Wingate test may not be conducive to best-effort results for those athletes whose main mode of movement is a running motion. It has been well established that muscles adapt to the specific patterns of movement that are employed during training. Therefore, an accurate noninvasive test of anaerobic threshold should utilize the same muscle recruitment patterns as the athlete's training regimen" (p. S43).
Anaerobically trained college track and field athletes (M = 24; F = 14) were tested for indirect estimates of anaerobic threshold using running. Tests were the Wingate 30-second cycle test, an exhaustive treadmill run (8 mph at 20% grade), and a repeated sprint test of 6 x 35 m sprints. Correlation analyses between estimates were performed.
The Wingate 30-second cycle test was significantly related to exhaustive treadmill running and the exhaustive sprint test. Exhaustive treadmill running was related to the exhaustive sprint test. It was concluded that exhaustive treadmill running and repeated sprint tests were practical and feasible tests for estimating anaerobic threshold in runners.
Implication. Tests employing anaerobic running can be used to estimate anaerobic threshold in runners.
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